
Tuesday, 13 March 2012


After just posting a status on FB to say that I wasn’t sure when my next post would be … I felt a sudden urge to have a little share. Here a few things that have happened, will happen and happening!
 :: Rob and I celebrated 3 years of wedded bliss last week. I'm not trying to sugar coat it but I definitely feel a deeper connection and love for Rob since Sophie came along. It truly is an amazing thing to share a child with someone.

As for our 3 year celebrations, we went to Kings Park for a picnic, we have actually had a picnic each year for our anniversary. Rob’s birthday is only 3 days prior so we tend to go out for a nice dinner for his birthday and keep it simple for our anniversary. We don’t do presents either … although after reading a blog post from Mrs Woog, I have just ordered a delayed pressie for Rob. I am very excited.

:: Sophie went for her first swim in a pool on Saturday. We were at my parents house and as Perth weather continues to roll out the stinkin' hot days, we went for a dip. She loved it.

:: One of my cousins who lives in New Zealand flew in last week and had her little boy Christened on Sunday, it was so nice to see her and to meet her adorable little man. Samuel was born 8 weeks prem, he is now 6 months old and is utterly scrumptious. Samuel is my Aunty & Uncles 19th grandchild with 2 more on the way. Being the youngest of 5 I have always dreamt of having at least 3 or 4 children of my own. Rob has always said only 2, he actually said he would be happy with 1 but we compromised and came to an agreement of 2. I unfortunately can’t stop thinking about only having 2, even more so after reading Kate’s post this week about the same thing. Rob’s reasons are financial which I completely understand but how boring will it be when we are grey and old with only 2 children sitting at the dinner table, imagine if they both decide to move away then we will have no one. Being the youngest of 5 is fantastic, one of my sisters lives up north, one brother lives down south and my other brother splits his time between Bali, the mines & Perth, leaving only one sister and myself in Perth full time. Having lots of kids allows for some of them to move away. When we are all together, it is super loud, super fun and in no way boring.

Hhmmmm I wonder if he will ever change his mind.

:: Being at Samuel’s Christening on Sunday emphasised how lazy I have been with organising Sophie’s – I must get on with that.

:: Sophie has turned over a new leaf as far as sleeping goes lately. She sleeps 10 hours during the night and for the past 3 days has done over 2 hours for one of her day sleeps … normally I only get 40 mins to an hour max, this has been super exciting.

:: I have been really tired this week (I know it is only Tuesday). Yesterday I had a really good sleep but woke up feeling as though I hadn’t slept at all. It is the worst feeling ever (my heart goes out to you Beth, I can only imagine what days upon days without sleep feels like) today hasn’t been much better. I think I need to cut back on the amount of wine & cider I have been consuming. After stopping breastfeeding it is as though I have given myself the green light to consume as much alcohol as possible to catch up on the 12 months that I missed out on.

MUST CHANGE THIS HABIT !! But seriously how good is Rekorderlig cider....

:: Our house has been taken over by little baby flies and the odd big Mumma fly. Goodness knows where they are coming from but after spraying a tiny bit of Morteine this morning I picked up 16 little dead baby flies and an hour later I picked up another TWENTY. TWENTY GOD DAMN DEAD FLIES ON MY KITCHEN FLOOR. Anyone know how I can rid my house of these pesky things?

I had to take this - after cleaning up 36 of them, I now have another 24 ...

:: I ordered a photo book for my sister & her new hubby with all of their wedding photos as they couldn’t afford to do their own album. It arrives tomorrow; I can’t wait to see what it looks like. Hopefully they both love it.

How beautiful did she look … so elegant … so perfect !

:: My brother, SIL and two adorable nephews, Brodie & Cooper are coming up to Perth this weekend, they live 2.5 hrs away. I haven’t seen my brother & Cooper since Christmas and my SIL & Brodie since mid-Jan. I can’t wait to spend the day with them.

:: I am slightly obsessed with Instagram … anyone who follows me will know this. 

:: I went and looked at some specs today … unfortunately none caught my eye, pardon the pun.

:: I tried a new dessert last night, Rob’s Mum & his Aunty came over for dinner. His Aunty lives in California and is over here on holiday, she is the sweetest woman, was so nice for her to meet Sophie. I did a Caramelised Crispy Wonton Stack with Strawberry Connoisseur ice-cream! One word – YUM!

:: I have got another girls night this Saturday!! Look out Perth – the Mums are hitting the town !!

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