
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

12 Years Ago ...

12 years ago today my beautiful niece, AIlish Rosaleen Neeson entered this world. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was 13 and absolutely delighted that my big sis had given us this beautiful girl who we would cherish for her entire life.

This wasn’t the first time that I became an Aunty. I was actually an Aunty at the age of 9. My brother had been dating this girl for some time, living together and everything and then she got pregnant. Not the most ideal situation when your brother is 23 and his girlfriend is only 17. This is when Cassidy-Rae was born.

My brother being young and foolish never fought for his daughter, his girlfriend left him and moved back in with her Mum whilst she was still pregnant and they had a huge falling out. This little girl came into the world without her Dad and extended family around her and 16 years on her life stays the same.

There have been times over the years where my brother has attempted contact and has even met up with her Mum but she wants nothing to do with him.

It was possibly 18-24 months after Cassidy was born, I was off school sick and was sitting in the Dr’s waiting room with my Mum, this gorgeous little girl with dark brown curls all over her head was laughing and smiling with me, I tapped Mum on the arm and said ‘look Mum, how gorgeous is she’ we were both playing and oohing and aahing over her. What would have been seconds later, her Mum turned around from the reception desk … it was her … it was my brothers ex girlfriend … the little girl just so happened to be my niece and my Mum’s first born grandchild.

Heart-broken does not even come close to how my Mum felt that day.

You can surely understand the joy and excitement when Ailish came along, knowing that this precious baby would always be in our lives, we definitely let her know from day one that we were never letting her go.

She was in no way a replacement for Cassidy-Rae and still isn’t, she is her own person and we, as a family love her just as we have loved each nephew that followed her.

AIlish has stayed the only niece on my side of the family (in which we see). I then have 5 nephews. She often says how much she would love to have a girl cousin (she is desperately hoping that my bubs will be a girl), but I actually think she prefers being the only girl … she certainly gets special attention, especially from Aunty Claire and myself and she will always be Grandpa’s little girl.

My big sis moved her family to the north of WA almost two years ago and although we have seen them during most school holidays since the move, it isn’t the same. My sis and her kids were at my parents’ place every Sunday … it was just known that Sunday’s were family days and we would all hang out together. I really miss that.

My sister and I have 13 years between us. The same age difference as Ailish and I.

We have become a lot closer, I believe, since I fell pregnant. I am extremely similar to her, we view things in the same light and are both very head strong. Now that I am expecting my first bubs I have been able to turn to her for loads of advice. She will be coming down to Perth a week before Christmas and staying for a month. I am so glad that I will have her with me in my first few weeks as a Mum.

Ailish, I’m sorry that I have no control over whether this baby is a boy or a girl but I just know he/she will love their cousin to bits.
Have an absolutely fabulous 12th birthday, can’t wait to see you when you are down next month.

Uncle Rob and I love you loads and loads !!

1 comment:

  1. Jayne!

    I had goosebumps all over when you described that moment in the doctor's clinic. I can't even imagine your brother's heartache!

    I think I've said it before, but I really think you're having a girl!

    Oh my. I can't wait for your announcement!
